Thursday, October 29, 2009

Constructive Eating Set

Praise for the Constructive Eating Set (thanks, Kim!):
"I purchased one of the constructive eating sets right when you first started carrying them. I think it was about a year ago already now?

I just purchased my second set for another child, since they both love to use it at every meal. I opened the package and set it down next to the {old} set. I could not even tell which was the new and which was the old one. It has worn that well-- Still looks brand new and it has been through over 300 washings!

Great quality, great purchase. My sons will use them every meal. Thanks, MiniMe BabyGear!"

Thank you for taking the time to write! My sons also use them at almost every meal, and you are right- they still look great! Please check them out in the feeding section if you are interested.

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