Amazing how many blogs are out there, huh? Lots of new visitors have come through for the big blogging party. It really has been a lot of fun! So many interesting moms out there with funny stories.
Once blog I visited listed 100 interesting things about herself. I am going to give 25, since I do not have 100 interesting things to list:-) I am so glad Susan and Janice came up with this fabulous idea. If you have not checked it out yet, go to 5minutesformom, and join the fun!
In Random order:
1. I am a true redhead at heart. Temper and all.
2. I love Quiznos. I used to work in Riverside, CA, and they had a special sandwich ready for me every day at noon.
3. Mentioned this before-I love late night TV. Jay, Conan. I watch them all when I am up late sewing.
4. I am not a huge music lover. I have certain songs that I listen to over and over, but I could drive not ever listening to music and that would be fine with me.
5. I have two younger brothers that I adore.
6. I love to be scared (in a controlled setting:-)
7. My son was a twin, but I lost his twin at 10 weeks. I still think about what could have been whenever I see twins.
8. I love animals. We currently have two turtles, two dogs, and 1 fish. Used to be two fish.
9. I love to bake, but am a horrible cook.
10. I hate to clean. Please call before you come over so I can do the half hour "tuck" before you arrive!
11. I never make my bed, and rarely share the covers at night with the hubby.
12. I am a Christian and really love the church we just joined.
13. I started wearing contacts in fourth grade because my eyesight was so horrible
14. Fellow moms will appreciate this- I was in labor 26 hours, no epidural. Not by my choice.
15. I love wearing slippers, mostly because 90 % of the socks I wear have holes in them.
16. I only have about ten pairs of shoes.
17. What I lack in shoes, I make up for in blue shirts. I have more than one of every style of blue shirt. My whole closet is blue.
18. I love to ice skate.
19. My gas fireplace might have been the best present I ever received from my hubby.
20. I love gardenias and orange blossoms.
21. My husband is 6'8" and we are asked constantly how tall he is, and if he plays basketball.
22. My son is, and has always been, in the 100th percentile.
23. I really enjoy sewing, and my only problem with being a work at home mom is time management.
24. Being a mom is what I was made for. I love watching my son sleep, laugh, really anything. I really wonder what I did before I had him for joy.
25. I have used under eye cream since I was sixteen and wear sunglasses everywhere in the summer to prevent eye wrinkles. I am not sure it is working!
Thank God! 25! It is hard to come up with 25 things, although I am sure I will think of 40 more in the next few days!
Happy Blogging, friends!!!